Israel Education
One of our main goals for our students is the development of a spiritual and emotional bond with the Land and State of Israel. This is achieved through our unique curriculum, special programming, and outstanding faculty.
Israel at RMBA
At Robert M. Beren Academy, Eretz Yisrael is infused throughout our curriculum. In Ivrit (Hebrew language) our students study modern literature, history, current events and the culture of Medinat Yisrael while gaining comfort and proficiency in the language. In Chumash and Navi, they learn about the geography and history of the Land of Israel. And in Mishna and Gemara they learn about its Mitzvot.
Israel is also at the heart of many of our special programs. Whether it’s a guest speaker, an advocacy campaign or an update on current events, our students are constantly being exposed to contemporary issues and are taught to play an active role in supporting Israel. Our students play leadership roles in organizations such as AIPAC, Stand With US, and Friends of the IDF. Yom HaZikaron, Yom Haatzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim are particularly inspiring, memorable and enjoyable. The culmination of our Israel programming is the annual Senior Trip to Israel, which brings home all the messages we have been teaching, and seals the bond our students feel with Eretz Yisrael.
Bnei Akiva/ Israel Programming
Fun programs such as Practical Ulpan help our students experience life in Israel (eg. shopping in the shuk). We actively support and participate in the Bnei Akiva youth movement and run many programs together.
For more information on Houston Bnei Akiva, contact our shlichim Aviva and Ori Friedmann.
Benot Sheirut/ Israeli Faculty
Perhaps the best way that we instill a love of Israel in our students is through our amazing faculty. Our teachers serve as outstanding role models for our students in many areas, and Ahavat Eretz Yisrael (Love of Israel) is no exception. We are blessed to have in our school Shlichim (emissaries) from Eretz Yisrael, who bring the Ruach (spirit) of Israel to our community. In addition, our Benot Sheirut (two college age Israeli women performing National Service) serve as assistant teachers in Lower School Hebrew and Judaics classes and teach Torah, Hebrew, and Zionism throughout the school. Whether it is talking to the students about Israel, teaching them new songs, performing Parsha plays in Hebrew, or decorating the halls for each Jewish month, the Benot Sheirut are always engaging students in creative and entertaining new ways. Our Student Activities Director is also the Director of the Southern Region of Bnei Akiva in the U.S.
Israel Guidance
As a school, we are fully committed to supporting the State and Land of Israel and we do this through our actions and our words. We regularly feature speakers and programs addressing issues relevant to current events in Israel as well as Israel’s role in the world at large. We encourage all of our students to spend a gap year of study in Israel upon completing their education at Robert M. Beren Academy and are very proud of the many graduates who have made the ultimate commitment to the Jewish people and have chosen to demonstrated their love for Israel by serving in the IDF and making Aliyah.